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Course Objectives

To present the guiding principles of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd;

❖ To explore the religious nature and the most vital religious needs of the 3-6 year old child;

❖ To meditate on the Biblical and liturgical themes presented to the 3-6 year old child;

❖ To broaden the ability to observe and learn from children’s spirituality;

❖ To be able to listen with children to Scripture and allow their enjoyment in God's presence;

❖ To offer guidelines and assistance in preparing the atrium, making the catechist's album, and materials.

Course # 1-02531

June 18-21, 2025    9:00 am to 4:30 pm

July 30-Aug 2, 2025
9:00 am to 4:30 pm

June 17-20, 2026
9:00 am to 4:30 pm

July 29-31, 2026
9:00 am to 4:30 pm

St. Joseph Parish
520 E Northview Ave
McPherson, KS  67460

To attend the course, please register with the above button, and then pay with the button below. Registration will be complete upon payment of the full, non-refundable tuition.

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Formation Leader

Catherine Sienkiewicz


Catherine has been involved with CGS since 2004 and has been a level I formation leader since 2015. She has a B.S. in Social Work and a MTS in theology. She co-leads, bi- annually, level I formation for students and staff at Benedictine College, and occasionally co-leads other courses in the region. In addition to CGS, she is active in a theology of the body co-op for Atchison children, and in Teams of Our Lady marriage support. She lives with her husband and their five children in Atchison.




Alicia Darnell

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Alicia Darnell began her training in CGS in 2015 continuing her formation through all three levels of CGS. She has served as a catechist in all three levels at various times. She holds a Master’s in Theology from University of Dayton. In 2023, she began her training as a formation leader working with Cathe at Benedictine College. Alicia is married to Benjamin and enjoys home educating her 3 children (ages 15, 12, and 9.) 

We suggest that you also inquire with your home parish about possible financial assistance.


Elizabeth Burghart

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Elizabeth Burghart has a strong background in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and the Montessori Method. She began CGS formation in 2005 at age thirteen. She received formation in Levels I, II and III of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and completed Primary Montessori Training before going on to receive her B.A. in Education from Benedictine College in 2014. She was a founding catechist of Holy Family Atrium in Atchison, KS in 2013, and her family currently participates in the Holy Family Montessori Cooperative in Atchison. She has served on the national board of CGSUSA and recently completed the formation course for the Infant/Toddler Level of CGS. Elizabeth has assisted in various capacities with previous CGS Level I formation courses. Elizabeth lives in Atchison with her husband and three children ages 6, 5 and 3.

Course Requirements

To receive a certificate as a nationally-recognized CGS catechist in the Level I atrium, participants will be expected to:

  • Attend at least 80% of the 90 hours

  • Read the required texts

  • Participate in writing catechist album pages.

Required books are: 

  • The Good Shepherd and the Child: A Joyful Journey, Revised and Updated (Cavalletti), 

  • The Religious Potential of the Child, 3rd ed. (Cavalletti)

  • Nurturing the Whole Child (Gobbi)

If you are interested participating in a group order to reduce postage cost, contact Sarah at by March 31, 2025.

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